Sunday, October 31, 2010

One of the teams confirmed

As seen the picture it says:

The radioative rats is now confirmed to be one of the teams in TDR!!..

And Also It Confirms The Cast in that team:

Lightning-Scott-Sam-Staci-Unknown girl-dakota {Because of her standing}

but some of the designs have been changed...i mean in original line-up staci had yellow hair but now

black/brown and dakota instead of red hair with flower on it now is blond!!....

It's unknown if the there real final designs will be in this leaked picture or that original line-up?...

We find out soon!!!....

Monday, October 18, 2010

Camp Wawanakwa Is Now Radioactive!!!!..

What The Heck!?....Camp Got Radioactive?...Impossible!!!!....Yeah!...This is True That Camp Is Now

Radioactive As Confirming In a Chat!!...

Never Saw That Coming!  Baby!...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Casts Design and names confirmed!!

Right!....Finally...We have these weird casts designs!...And Picture is already Up There!..

Girls:Staci-Zoey-Molly-Ann Maria-Dakota-Mary


 What!?....Only 12 contestants are in the season!?...This is Mini Season!....I think this freaking season

will finish soon!...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Old Casts Are Not Returning!!

Yeah i heard This Too!!!..Old Casts Aren't Going To Return!....Scary!?...Huh?....What will happen to them?!...

We Don't Know Everything Until They Say Anything!....Anyway!!....TD blog Has posted This Picture:

Also We haven't Never Seen These people On Series!...So It's True That There's going To Be New Casts!..

Too Bad That Old Casts Are never come!!!!.....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Total Drama Reloaded and Location!

As Seen Christian potenza's Video...Title Of 4th Season Is Total Drama Reloaded: The Logo From Blog is here:

And Also There Are Some News That Place Of Season 4 Is Going To The Camp Wawanakwa!!!..

Oh Yeah!!!...The Old-School Days Are Comming!!..

Also Total Drama Reloaded Short Is TDR!!..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Christian Potenza's Video In Frist Days Recording Of TD4!!!...

Finally!....Christian potenza Has uploaded a youtube video!...So I Hope You Being Enjoyed It:

With This Video We Have Now Some Informations:

1-New Casts Are Going To Be In This Season!

2-Brain Froud Returns For 4th season and it's unknown if harold is going to return or voicing new cast!

3-Black and white screenshot of new casts!

4-Title Is Revealed "Total Drama Reloaded"

5-The 1st episode of fourth season is "Bigger,Badder,Brute-ler"

Wow!....This is so good Informations we had!...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Total Drama Season 4 confirmed!!!!...

When Total Drama World Tour {Originally Total Drama The Musical} premiere it's season!...Total Drama Blog

Has Confirmed That There's Going To Be Fourth Season Of Total Drama!...

We Can't Wait For It!...

But The Title Of Season 4 is certainly unknown!...It's Very Good We have another new season when the lastest

Season Being On TV!..